Ladder Safety

Ladders are a common hazard in the home and at the workplace so it is important you take ladder safety seriously and try to minimise the risks of accident as best as you can. Hopefully this ladder safety risk management guide will help!

How to identify and manage the risks involved in ladder usage:

  • Identify all circumstances where working at height may require the use of ladders. Also identify any fixed ladders you may require for access between floors. 
  • For the circumstances identified check their use is justified. 
  • Check the precautions you have taken are adequate and if not identify what else you need to do and implement it.
  • Carry-out regular checks to ensure precautions are in place and being taken. 
  • Ensure that ladders will not be used when weather conditions make it unsafe.
  • Ensure that relevant employees and volunteers are trained in how to use ladders. 
  • Document all of the above and your arrangements and responsibilities for using ladders. Review documentation and all your procedures periodically.