Slips, trips and falls

Slips, trips and falls are a common cause of injury. Such injuries can be quite severe and, in some cases, disabling.

As a result, we see a number of claims from members, employees, volunteers, and visitors each year. Please watch our risk management video and read our five-point quick guide, to help you try and prevent slips, trips and falls on your premises.
1. Inspect your premises
Conduct a thorough inspection of your premises to identify and make a note of slip, trip and fall hazards. Be sure to consider everything from the perspective of frail, elderly, or disabled users of your premises. Also bear in mind that some users will not be familiar with the layout of your premises and do not forget to include outdoor areas in your inspections. 
2. Put precautions in place
Where possible try to remove any hazards by repairing the affected area or changing the conditions that make the environment hazardous (such as poor lighting). If this is not possible, you might want to consider additional signage to draw users’ attention to hazards. 
3. Make periodic checks
Ensure that you regularly check your premises to ensure that floors, coverings, steps, and pathways remain in good condition, free from obstruction and that any precautions remain adequate. 
4. Make everyone aware
Ensure that employees and volunteers are aware of the precautions required to prevent slips, trips, and falls. Record any information or training that is provided to individuals. 
5. Document your actions
Document your arrangements for preventing slips and trips. If you need to prepare a health and safety policy, you could record your arrangements as part of it.  Also, keep the notes you have made in steps outlined above.