Making a claim
Any claims apart from glass or legal expenses
Phone: 0345 606 0431
For new claims the services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For enquiries about existing claims, the services are available from Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
Email: [email protected]
Emergency glass replacement
Phone: 0345 600 0148
Legal expenses
Phone DAS: 0345 850 8946 quoting reference:
Email: [email protected]
Write to: Claims Department, DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited, DAS House, Quay Side, Temple Back, Bristol, BS1 6NH
If you wish to speak to DAS about a legal problem or make a claim, please phone 0345 850 8946. DAS will ask you about your legal issue and if necessary, call you back to deal with your query.
Please do not ask for help from a lawyer, accountant or anyone else before DAS have agreed that you should do so. If you do, we will not pay the costs involved even if we accept the claim.
To report your claim, call DAS on 0345 850 8946, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Have your reference number ready and DAS will ask you about your claim.
DAS will check your claim is covered by your policy and, if it is, will send it to a lawyer who specialises in your type of claim.
The lawyer will assess your case and tell you how likely it is you will win. If you are more likely than not to win, the lawyer will manage the case from start to finish.
Please note this is an overview of the claims process for guidance purposes only. DAS’ claims handlers can answer any questions you may have when they receive your claim.
Counselling helplines
Phone DAS: 0345 850 8947
DAS will provide your employees (including any members of their immediate family who permanently live with them) with a confidential counselling service over the phone, if they are aged 18 or over (or aged between 16 and 18 and in full-time employment). This includes, where appropriate, onward referral to relevant voluntary and/or professional services. Any costs arising from the use of these referral services will not be paid by DAS.
The counselling service helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The following are provided by DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited (DAS).
Public relations (PR) crisis and media assistance helpline service
Phone: 0345 600 1861 quoting your policy number
A dedicated PR crisis helpline that includes PR legal advice.
If you require more than helpline advice and cover under section 7 Reputational Risks is not operative on your policy schedule, then you will need to separately agree terms with the supplier and be responsible for any costs incurred.
DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited have confirmed that PR legal advice received prior to discussion with them will not invalidate any insured claim.
A PR crisis could be defined as:
“Any incident which has the potential to negatively challenge and affect the public or stakeholders’ confidence in an organisation and interfere with its ability to continue operating normally”.
Such incidents are likely to involve members of the public, clients or staff where a loss of life or a major threat to safety or the environment has occurred, or instances where there is an impact on general safety and/or travel arrangements.
Media types:
Broadcast: Television and radio
Online: Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook
Print: National newspapers and regional press.
Risk advice line (provided by Ecclesiastical professionals or external specialists)
Phone: 0345 600 7531
Email: [email protected]
Risk specialists are on hand to advise you on a range of topics, including:
This helpline is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding public and bank holidays).
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Complaints procedure
If you are unhappy with our products or service, please contact us as soon as possible.
Charitable objectives
Making a real difference to the children and young adults that we support.
Customer promise
At Ansvar, we are always prepared to go the extra mile to support our customers.