child in a museum Arts and Culture Connect

Arts and culture

Dedicated insurance cover for arts and culture organisations such as  cinemas, concert halls, galleries, libraries, model villages, museums and theatres.

The UK’s art and performance sector is a vibrant and exciting market, involved in a diverse range of leisure and cultural activities.


Key features

Arts and culture is insurance specifically designed for art centres, cinemas, concert halls, galleries, libraries, model villages, museums and theatres. museums, galleries, libraries, cinemas, theatres and concert halls.

We can meet the insurance needs of both charity and non-charity organisations, of all sizes, for the following activities:

  • Office and administration work and storing of property
  • Attending or organising trade shows, exhibitions, performances, conferences, meetings, and seminars
  • Clean-ups and litter picks
  • Clerical and non-manual work
  • Collection and delivery work
  • Domestic work, including domestic gardening
  • Firework and bonfire events as long as no more than 100 people will be attending
  • Fundraising events (other than firework or bonfire events) as long as no more than 1,000 people will be attending
  • Recreational activities
  • Selling goods (including second-hand goods) as part of the above activities and for the benefits of the organisation

Insurance cover options include:

  • All risks
  • Arts and collections
  • Buildings
  • Business interruption
  • Contents
  • Cyber
  • Employers’ liability
  • Equipment breakdown
  • Fidelity guarantee
  • Goods in transit
  • Legal expenses
  • Money and personal accident assault
  • Motor policy compensation
  • Personal accident
  • Professional indemnity
  • Public and products liability
  • Reputational risks
  • Trustees’ and directors’ indemnity
  • We specialise in insuring the third sector and our products are designed especially for this niche.
  • We pride ourselves on offering an excellent personal service and a fast and sympathetic response to claims. In 2024 our claims customer satisfaction rate was 100%.1
  • Every three years we run our donation programme which invites applications from charities involved in promoting healthy lifestyles to children and young adults. Money is then donated to the winning three charities to help them run their specific programmes.

1 Ansvar claims customers surveyed during 2024

  • We are proud to be part of the Benefact Group – a charity owned, international family of specialist financial services companies, that gives all available profits to charity and good causes. We’re built on the idea that better business, can better lives.
  • Not only do we insure the third sector, we also have our own Community Hub, within our offices. This is a flexible space for local charities to meet, network and host their own events - for free. This is one small way we are giving back to the sector.

Arts and culture insurance FAQs

How long does the cover last?

Normally 12 months. We will send you a renewal notice approximately one month before the cover ends.

Is it possible to cancel the policy?

Yes, subject to certain terms and conditions, please see the arts and culture insurance brochure for more information.

Can Ansvar cancel the policy?

Yes, we have the right to cancel the policy by giving 14 days’ notice. If we cancel the policy, we will refund the premium for the rest of the period of insurance.

How do I make a claim?

Call our 24-hour claims line on 0345 606 0431. See your policy documents and our claims page for more detailed guidance.

Download the product brochure for full details

What else might you be interested in?

Care and welfare

Our care and welfare insurance is designed for organisations providing care services, including care for older people, assistance to live independently and out of school care and recreation.

Business, office and retail

Insurance for commercial organisations, shops and offices.

Charity community connect

Specialist insurance for charities and community groups.